Our food choices have shaped our lives dramatically for more than a decade. In 1990 we heard John Robbins speak at the University of Washington. We immediately read his book Diet for a New America and gave up meat, dairy, and eggs on the basis of the environmental destruction those industries cause. We founded the Seattle chapter of EarthSave to help spread the word. Spencer served as secretary for 5 years, while Sheila was the president. Sheila eventually gave up that position and helped the organization start a healthy food festival, “The Taste of Health” while she also served on the national board of directors. After 10 years we both retired. To learn more about the connection between your food choices and the environment visit EarthSave’s national website. John Robbins has a new book out called The Food Revolution: How Your Diet Can Save Your Life and The World. It covers updated information about genetically modified foods and Mad Cow Disease.
New as of April 20, 2007. We have decided that despite our plant-based diet we have been consuming way too much processed food, mostly in the form of soy and nowhere near enough whole foods such as fruits and veggies. SO… we’ve just started a 6-wekk program based on the book Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD. His web site offers a wealth of support including a comprehensive recipe database, discussion forum and an archive of past radio talks and newsletters. We’re excited to finally be cleaning up our eating and hope that we’ll be thinner and healthier by Memorial Day weekend when we attend this year’s Northwest Tandem Rally in Yakima. Read the full story here.