Saturday, December 7 we celebrated all day!

It was a very full and rich weekend. I feel quite loved and appreciated. Friday, the actual birthday, was spent shopping in the morning with the afternoon dedicated to moving and arranging most of our living room furniture to the community’s Common House where the party was held. Friday evening we enjoyed a quiet time with community members over birthday cake and games. Lovely and intimate.

Saturday we couldn’t sleep and were up by 4 AM. As you can imagine, with 3 separate events it was an exhausting day, but completely filled with wonderful connections and ample time to have face-to-face visits with my friends. The roughly 70 guests spread out over the day with nearly half coming to brunch. Thankfully we planned breaks between the segments. The puzzle got worked on throughout the day from Piecework Puzzles. Many community members contributed in a variety of ways from baking cinnamon rolls and making waffles “on demand” to lending furniture, picking up coffee, making floral bouquets and cleaning up. Our dear friend Sooz came by with dinner for us during the evening break so we could have some real food. And Sunday after clean-up we got to spend some time with our meditation teacher, Phillip Moffitt.

Many folks made contributions directly to Elizabeth Gregory Home (a local day shelter for homeless women) and many more brought much-needed in-kind items. In all more than $500 was contributed. Thank you all for your generosity.

Here are some photos from the weekend. If you click on the first one you can view them as a slideshow.

And the images below are most of the slideshow we had onsite. As above, if you click on the first one you can view them as a slideshow.

National Cohousing Conference - Portland
Like an Arrow - Song