If you haven’t already read my first post from last December about standing workstations you might want to start there. It includes the background and lots of links to resources. I found the saddle stool to be a bit too wide for my pelvis and didn’t use it much. I was coveting the newly discovered Focal workstation but couldn’t figure out how to afford it, especially with the expense of the original saddle stool I wasn’t using. In February, while I was in Rhode Island to move my Mom home, I stopped by their office to try it out. Because they knew I was interested, when the Ergo Depot in Portland (where I’d bought my stool) had a Focal “scratch-n-dent” available at 30% off I jumped at the chance. Especially after they agreed to only charge a restock fee for the stool (an exception to their 30 day policy).
So last weekend, almost exactly 5 months after the initial purchase, we returned to Portland and after some family time, returned home with a 100 pound box on top of the car! The setup was pretty easy with their great videos to guide us. Here are a few photos. Only time will tell how my body adapts, but so far, so good. I’ll report back again in a few months.